The Personal Reconnection is a structured, precise application and interaction with the Reconnective Healing frequencies that promotes the alignment of three complimentary energetic systems essential for us to thrive. These three organized energy systems represent aspects of our existence that were designed to support and nurture our life experience as human beings.

Reconnective Healing
Reconnective Healing
Reconnective Healing

The first is our physical energetic body rooted in a pattern of meridian lines and points similar to that described in the ancient Chinese science of acupuncture.

The second is the organized pattern of energy flow existing within the earth itself, which travels through known lay lines and intersect at vortices across the surface of the planet.​

The third parallel network is the universal energy grid that surrounds our planet, maintaining the structure and organization of celestial bodies like stars and planets.  During one’s Personal Reconnection, these three complimentary energetic systems are brought into alignment and recalibrated so that we can receive a more open and coherent exchange of energy, light and information on a daily basis. It is a process that allows us to experience a fuller more harmonic expression of our life path.

In a world in which more and more seems to be out of, or beyond, our control, it's important that we can stand in our own power, no matter what the outer circumstances are. That's possible when we have a strong and reliable connection to All That Is. The Reconnection® is a powerful tool that helps us to connect to the fullness of who we are.

Originally, the meridian lines (sometimes called acupuncture lines) on our bodies were connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet and intersect at acknowledged power places such as Machu Picchu and Sedona. These lines continued out and connected us to a vastly larger grid, tying us to the entire universe. At some point in time, we became disconnected from these lines, and we lost the fullness of our inherent connection to the universe - distancing us from our previously rapid and expansive rate of evolution.

The Reconnection® brings in “new” axiatonal lines that reconnect us on a more powerful and evolved level than ever before. These lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body.

The Personal Reconnection utilizes the frequencies of Reconnective Healing, but is very precise and differs in its application. It is a focused formation, reconnecting the gridwork of your body to the ley lines of our planet, and Reconnecting these grids to the universal grid in all dimensions of time and space.

The Personal Reconnection:

  • Is facilitated in 2 “in-person” sessions, over the course of two days within a 72 hour period, with at least one sleep cycle in between to allow for the integration of this process.

  • Has a fee of $333 which maintains a purposeful energetic exchange resonating from the sacred numerology of this value.

  • Is facilitated only once in the course of your lifetime and will not need to be repeated.

Commonly Reported Experiences After The Personal Reconnection:

While each individual's experience is different, the following general outcomes are commonly reported:

  • Life is "just easier". No matter what is happening, things are more calm, peaceful, and easier to manage.

  • Intuitive abilities are greatly expanded and enhanced.

  • Persistent challenges of the past are gone, or greatly reduced.

  • A feeling of finally "getting on track", or having more clarity on your life path and purpose.

  • A feeling of being strongly "grounded" and present in the physical world